Alexandra Michael smiling at the camera with a blurry cityscape in the background


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About me

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Washington in Seattle. I work with David Kohlbrenner and Dan Grossman in the Security and Privacy and PLSE labs, respectively.

My research interests lie at the intersection of security, programming languages, and compilers. I focus particularly on applying formal methods to hardware security.

I earned my B.S. in Computer Science from UC San Diego, where I worked with Deian Stefan.



Avoiding Instruction-Centric Microarchitectural Timing Channels Via Binary-Code Transformations. Michael Flanders, Reshabh K Sharma, Alexandra E. Michael, Dan Grossman, David Kohlbrenner. ASPLOS 2024.

  • Our tool cio is available on GitHub
  • [April 29, 2024] I delivered our paper's talk at ASPLOS 2024
  • [April 15, 2024] I wrote a related blog post for the PLSE website

MSWasm: Soundly Enforcing Memory-Safe Execution of Unsafe Code. Alexandra E. Michael*, Anitha Gollamudi*, Jay Bosamiya, Evan Johnson, Aidan Denlinger, Craig Disselkoen, Conrad Watt, Bryan Parno, Marco Patrignani, Marco Vassena, and Deian Stefan. POPL 2023.


Selected honors & awards

NSF GRFP Fellow. March 2023 - present.

Corin Anderson Fellow (University of Washington). September 2022 - June 2023.

Undergraduate Excellence in Research Award (UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering). June 2022.

Summa Cum Laude (UC San Diego). December 2021.